March 01, 2004

My advice to incoming college students

I was talking to a man at church today about college, and his son getting ready to go.I had one piece of advice to him and to his son, here it is: Don't go. Don't go because society says you have to, don't go because your parents want you to, don't go because you want to.

Right now as a pre-college person, you need to be establishing your relationship with Christ and placing Him at your central focus and reason for everything, keeping the lines of communication open, so that when you get to the point that you decide on the college matter you have a clear call from Him to go, go here, and go now, because when the hard times in school come and they will, when you face burnout and ask yourself "why am I here?", you will only have one thing to fall back on and that is the clear call.


Posted by GodzScout at March 1, 2004 12:28 AM