April 09, 2003

to minister, or to be a minister

Today, I had lunch with the kung fu class at Mongolian BBQ. While at lunch, I discussed historical and religious topics with one of the new students, a history/religion major. After a ways into the conversation, he stops and gives me a puzzled look. "Are you a religion major?" he asks.

here I would like to pause time and consider something.

  • Why did he look puzzled?
  • Why did he think I was a religion major?

as to the first question, I do not know. But as to the second, I am very familiar with the answer.
Although, I am not a Biblical scholar by any means, nor do I have a great familiarity with Scripture, I am not unable to discuss with some knowledge things of God and the Scripture. When people hear this, they automatically assume that "He must be a religion major" or "he must be planning to become a minister"

My response has always been: Are not ALL Christians called to minister? In order to minister, do not all christians need to know what they believe and what God says? Of course! All Christians are called to minister, even if they are not called to be ministers.

Why is it then, that I am constantly, consistantly being asked this question by people? Should not every christian so conduct themselves that it is common place to be able to speak with even a hint of authority on such matters? Why then this. . . I don't understand. *confused look*

I responded, by saying, "No, I am what I like to call a 'Ministry Oriented Management' major."

Posted by GodzScout at April 9, 2003 12:25 AM

always be ready to tell of your joy in Christ when the spirit leads you.
plant those seeds.

Posted by: jennifer at April 9, 2003 02:11 PM

Powerful entry, I had never thought of being a minister in that way, but it made me think and drew me to a new meaning of being in the ministry. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: Laura at April 13, 2003 08:10 PM

Why do you like to call it a 'Ministry Oriented Management' major?

Posted by: Sam at April 14, 2003 07:12 PM

I call it a ministry oriented management major because, my major in school is management, but I orient all of my activities around my relationship with Christ and my ministry thesis
all Christians are called to minister, if not in an official ministry position, then in their daily life: their work, their school, their fun activities, everything. Thus everything is "Ministry Oriented"

understand, not understand?

Posted by: Read Wall at April 15, 2003 01:22 AM

incidently, Sam, it's nice to see another mobapite on my page, thanks for commenting.

Posted by: Read Wall at April 15, 2003 01:23 AM